hey, also creating an rts!
<a href="http://www.wonima.demon.nl">www.wonima.demon.nl</a>
My game uses bitmap rendering, a tile system, A* pathfinding algorithm. I am currently working on creating a level editor. The version you can play at my site does not use the correct algorithm.
But enough about me, I tried your demo but I couldnt build any buildings? I could select and place em but than nothing happened.
Anyways, I was surprised to see the Tank wars rts online on newgrounds and thought the same thing as you "he beat me to it". The guy who made tank wars is just completely ignoring me for some reason, I hope you wont. Because I think we can learn from each other.
more of an pm this eh :S
ArmoredSandwich AKA ImWithNoob.
So, that was August. :-) How's it going?
It's moving along slowly. I am having trouble finding the time or motivation to work on the game, but I will get it done eventually.